Not a Day without a Feat



Win a Goblinball match or complete the Path of Trials quest in Tka-Rik's Cave. Return to Zinaida Krichalkina.
  • Goblinball match won
  • Path of Trials in Tka-Rik's Cave completed
  • One of the two requirements completed


Greetings to the heroes! Do you wish to serve your motherland?
Have you ever played Goblinball? If not, you should definitely try it! it is traditional orcish sports activity, and orcs know how to have fun!
If you don't fancy sports and rather commit feats on your own, then Tka-Rik's Cave is waiting for you with all sorts of trials!
Good luck in your deeds!


How is it going? Ah, I envy you so much! Day-to-day life of the heroes must be so exciting.


Excellent! Another day, another feat! Keep up the good work!
Let me remind you, that if you complete five of my quests in a week, you will receive a valuable prize!



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