The Final Proof



Search the crypts along Tombstone Crevasse for 2 more Zem Tablets and take them with Andrea de Desirae's report to Arthur de Delice at the Sieged Stronghold.


It's time to show Alfred just how deeply mistaken he is! I have prepared a report where I have laid out the proof of my theory. Take it to Alfred de Delice. That old fuddy-duddy has gone north to the stronghold - I'm sure that he is still there, digging among the rotten skulls as usual.

But I'm sure that old jerk will find something to pick on, like "the tablets are worn, your conclusions are hasty!" So, let's do this right. There's another burial ground to the north of the Sieged Stronghold, along the Tombstone Crevasse.

There's got to be more tablets, just like the ones here! Find them and give them to Alfred. Then he won't be able to weasel out of it, he'll have to admit that I'm right!

He'll finally have give me credit in the History of Necromancy course!


Hm... There's a strange glitter in your eyes. Do you have something to tell me?


Oh, great Astral! Youth and arrogance can lead to such great idiocy!

And Andrea de Desirae showed so much promise. The daughter of such a glorious House, a passionate, seeking individual! And she submits such a silly amateurish report!

Of course the ruins belong to the Zem undead! I have never contested this. The problem is that they are not inhabited by the ancients raised from a long sleep, but by simple zombies and skeletons. This is the contradiction I am trying to resolve, to understand why there isn't a single representative of the Arisen in these lands! And the silly girl is wasting her time and mine on empty talk, proving something that's crystal clear, even to a moronic Orc...

I do not wish to talk about this matter anymore!


Experience: +1500

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