Message for the Prioress



Tell Gorislava Lyubimtseva at the Cape of Good Hope about the intelligent undead in Siveria.


Near the edge of the allod there is another large burial ground, the Men-Khatton Necropolis, an ancient cemetery of the Zem, and within the necropolis is a huge, cursed temple.

I was wrong about there being no intelligent undead in Siveria... The Zem undead, this is serious! But the question is, who are they serving?

A port was built recently on the northern coast and according to rumors, Gorislava Lyubimtseva, a priestess of the Church of Light and Prioress of Siveria, arrived there recently. Tell her everything we have managed to learn. I am sure this matter goes beyond the scope of a theoretical dispute about necromancy. Perhaps together we can figure out what is going on here.


Greetings. Are you seeking a blessing or do you have some news?


Intelligent undead in Siveria? Hm... This would explain much...

I don't see any reasons to mistrust this Elf and that's where Ermolai disappeared, at that Cursed Temple.

It looks like all the threads in this story lead there and we will have to pay it a visit too, unless we want to keep repelling the attacks of the dead forever.


Experience: +500

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