Turtle Soup



Collect a large Turtle Shell and 10 chunks of Turtle Meat. Return to Whew Black-Feather in the Glittering Wing village.


Now I have another task for you. I heard that you can swim. That's good. We, people of the Wind, can fly, but we swim badly and only down. I need a cover and meat of a sea stone. You call it something different, not a sea stone, but I don't remember. Why do I need a difficult word when there is a simple one? A sea stone is a stone. It swims and eats and, when in danger, it hides inside a stone. Dive into the water, catch the sea stone and bring it here. I'll make an amulet out of its cover!


A sea stone is tasty. Just it's so difficult to catch. One must take it very high in the sky and then drop on the ground. Then a sea stone lose its cover and is tasty.


I remember how wingless ones call a sea stone! Tattle! No? Toottle? No... Got it! Turtle!
Wingless ones speak a tongue-twisting language! My beak hurts.


Experience: +7800

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