Disappointing News



Convey Alphonse de Ardeur's response to Isabelle de Vevre.


Isabelle sent you? Of course... I should have let her know that I'm okay and that there's no reason to worry. But In truth, I forgot all about it! I've gotten to know these creatures... very intimately, if you know what I mean.

Boy I tell you, lamias make great lovers! Elven wives don't even come close to them. They can move in ways an Elf never could!

Oh, you don't approve of that? Well, you're just another snob and bigot like the rest of my kin! I have no intention of going back to live among them! I am happy here! Please tell Isabelle that... and tell her that I'm sorry.


Did you find him? Please don't tell me Alphonse is dead! My life has no meaning without him. He loved me so dearly and our wedding was to be so joyful...


What?! That lamia loving son of a... I knew he was a little weird but I could never have imagined this! Oh the shame, I wish they had really killed him!

Listen, please don't breathe a word of this to anyone. There will be no end to my embarrassment if word gets out that he left me for lamias! Okay?


Experience: +1860
  • +100 reputation points with Elves

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