Eliminating the Snitch



Find the snitch in the Astral Quarter.


Have you seen a suspicious-looking fellow around here? The guy might as well have had the words "I'm a miserable cop informer" written on his forehead. No?

He said he'd just moved here from out of town, was registering for citizenship, had to wait for three days and blah blah blah. The thing is, one of our guys saw him at the City Council building when he was brought there for questioning. There's no way that fellow is a new citizen - he's a spy! I can tell you, he ain't gonna enjoy it when I find him...

By the way, if you see anyone who fits the description give them a nice hard nudge in the ribs and bring them to me.


How could my cover be blown by something as stupid as a chance meeting. The folks at the City Council need to work on concealing their spies and stop giving them office duties at the same time as a mission!


Experience: +1520

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