Playing Dead



Collect 6 Partially-Digested Bones and take them to Strike the Wily.


I know you, you are the Imperial Survivor. I think I can trust you.
Yes, I'm from the City Council. Just like the Imperial Sentinels, we are extremely concerned about what is happening in the most crime-infested residential districts. The bandits have made themselves right at home and smuggling is rife. I would even say that we're more concerned than the Imperial Sentinels. After all, the city's internal matters are within the Council's jurisdiction, and Yasker is not one to forgive mistakes.
I know the Council would really appreciate it if you would help me out here! Please?
I've already got a plan - I want to convince the bandits that I'm dead. There are giant spiders here in the Astral Quarter who are said to eat anything, even cats and dogs. Gather some bones from their cobwebs and show them to the bandits Tell them that's all that's left of the spy - that's me. Come back once you're done. I have important information for the Council, but with a "tail" like that, I won't be able to send it to them.


I'll squash that informer when I find him! I'll crush him with my bare hands!


Are you sure those are human bones? They look more like goblin bones, and a small goblin at that... Well, I suppose you wouldn't lie. Squall the Unyielding says you're the clan's Chosen One. Thanks for the information, now I have one less thing to worry about.


Experience: +2280

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