Steel Stinger



Fight Tep's mechanical soldiers in the Spark Pen to obtain 15 Cleavers and bring them to Fleur de Ardeur in the Refuge.


May I disturb you? I need your help.
A few injured in the infirmary are suffering from a serious intoxication. The poison is literally eating them from within, but doctor Mafoo and I can't figure out what that poison is and how it should be treated. The patients say they were wounded while fighting Tep's mechanoids in the Spark Pen. I suspect they were poisoned by the venom those bastards had on their weapons. If I had samples, I could verify that theory and even try synthesizing an antidote. Alas, the Spark is at Irdrich's opposite end! Would you please go there, finish a few mechanical monsters and bring their weapons to me? I wouldn't distract you from your business, but the patients are in dire need of help. You won't leave your comrades in trouble, will you?


With Tep, you can expect absolutely anything. What if his poison affects both the bodies and the Sparks? I know, I know, this is nonsense from a scientific standpoint, but with Tep, who knows!


Thank you! Look, I was right: the blades are covered in some filth... I probably shouldn't start researching without a protective suit, gloves, and goggles.


Experience: +2560

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