Tep is Going Down!


Rush into the Pyramid and fight Tep


The way is clear! The old bastard is trembling in his bunker, but he has an hour to live, if that. I hope he won't have time to swallow some poison capsule: lots of ours would like to finish him personally. What're we waiting for? Let's roll! Let's crush the spider in his lair!


Rush into the Pyramid and fight Tep? Head-on, just like that? Are you nuts?


Tep grabbed your boys by the neck and used them as cleaning rags, didn't he? Oh, this should be good! Did you expect to find a skinny old man, cuff him and take him to the capital for a fair trial? Hello! This is Tep! To him, Sparks are a snack and genocide is entertainment on boring nights! All we did so far only caused him some inconvenience - nothing more!
Now don't start panicking. He can be defeated, or I wouldn't be talking to you now. You know why he let you go? He wants to play cat-and-mouse with you. Tep doesn't even think the Resistance poses any threat to him. His presumption will ruin him... If yours doesn't kill you first, of course.


Experience: +3840

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