Spare Parts for Illusion



Take 15 parts off the sarcophaguses in the Spark Pen and bring them to Pin the Crafty in the Refuge.


It's cool, the way you leap there and back! Now you're in our world, and the next moment you dive into illusion! Truth be told, I'm scared to even come close to the sarcophaguses: what if I get sucked in?! But scared or not, I need to keep them running. You probably have no idea of how your leaps affect our sarcophagus. It shakes, sparks, smells of burning... If it conks out, we have no tools to fix it. How will you travel into illusion then? Perhaps by the power of thought!
I heard you've been releasing captives left and right. Why don't you go there and take some parts off those sarcophaguses? Unscrew a nut here, remove an assembly there, and maybe we'll get enough parts for repairs!


I don't know how those sarcophaguses work and what parts can get damaged, so take all you can, just in case. Some reserve can never hurt, he he!


Good! Just what we need! This will do for a sarcophagus and a half. Now, if anything gets damaged, our eggheads will fix it in an instant.


Experience: +2560

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