Meeting with the Master Artisan



Talk to the weaponsmith trainer Aurora Bulatina.


So, you too want to become a blacksmith? Want to forge armor for warriors, healers and paladins? Hmm...
Well, give it a shot. I'll tell you what... Many tell me they want to be blacksmiths. Of course, I teach them and explain everything... Yet few will become true masters! That's for sure! That requires a lot of effort. But afterwards... You get respect and steady earnings.
And now you need to see Aurora Bulatina, she's the one who teaches weaponsmithing. That's a woman of steel! I wish she were an orc, I'd have married her, he-he! That's a joke - don't tell her I said that! Besides forging, she can use the hammer otherwise!


Want to work for the benefit of the Empire? That's good. Many are willing to brandish a sword or a magic wand, but no one wants to work with a hammer next to the furnace in a scorching shop. Become a weaponsmith, you won't regret it!


Experience: +240

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