Meeting with the Master Artisan



Speak with the leader of the Imperial Crafters' Guild, Viktor Gvozdin, in Yasker's Tower.


So you want to become a blacksmith? Forge armor for warriors, healers, and paladins? Hmm... Ok, you can try. But I have to warn you... Many come to me saying they want to become a blacksmith, and I certainly tell them everything and explain the details, but not everyone can become a real master! It takes a lot of work. But then... masters get respect and a stable income. If you decide you want to do it, let me know. I'll sell you the right book and tools. Am I the last trainer you visited? After this you'll have to see Victor Gvozdin, the head of our Artisans' Guild. He's our supervisor. We get all of our instructions and orders from him. Tell him you've passed the course for a beginner craftsman.


Yes?! I am very busy! What is it? Oh, so you've visited the craftsmen of Nezebgrad? Let me note that down in my report... Good. If you join us, remember to come and see me now and again. I have plenty of orders for you.


Experience: +240

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