Curious Paradox



Question Schorr Fly-by-Shore about the circumstances of his death.


Gracious sir, may I steal a few minutes of your precious time? I have an incredibly important matter for your consideration. I am one of the guerillas fighting to oppose the tyranny of the architect of these dreams, so to speak. Do forgive me, I can't tell you my name right now, but the Resistance calls me the Ghost.

Our common friend sent you to look for holes in the fabric of this grand illusion. Your search has already been interrupted twice by extraordinarily curious, albeit frightening creatures. Let us call them Lictors. They are the executioners of the master who has woven the fabric of this delusion, and he does not want his creation to be ripped by those caught in it. Within the boundaries of this illusory world they can wield any power that their creator endowed onto them.

It would seem that they are invincible, wouldn't it? That may be, but let me draw your attention to a rather curious paradox. To protect the fabric of reality from holes, even a concocted reality, they must be interwoven in it themselves. That means that, by virtue of their service, they are restricted by the rules and laws of this world... It follows that they must also have a certain weakness.

There is just one thing left to do, a simple little thing - find that weakness and learn to use it against them. Let's pull on the only thread that we have. Question that poor aviak about how he was killed by a Lictor. Perhaps his story will give us a clue.


Bad things happen here. Very bad.


Experience: +310

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