Power and Truth



Kill 15 Pagan Aviaks or Sermoners of the Church of Light, then report to Elchana Speak-with-Spirits on Kahlua island.


Now this s-s-s-spear can banish the spirits of lies-s-s-s... Jus-s-s-s-t have to prove that you des-s-s-serve to own it. Show me, s-s-s-s... how you des-s-s-troy your enemies-s-s-s. Then I'll dec-c-c-cide whether you have the s-s-s-strength to battle the enemies-s-s-s of this world...


Everyone wants to believe that he's on the side of truth and his enemy isn't. But there is only one truth in the war between the Glittering Wing and the Steel Claw, as in the war between the League and the Empire - you truly hate and want to destroy each other. That is not scary. That is the way of our world - it's fueled by fighting.


You have proved you have power to fix what's broken. I'll give you this spear. Go and exorcise the evil spirits.


Experience: +9300

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