Smoke and Shadows



Ask the Brainiac Family in the League Settlement for help.


Now the warriors are armed! But can a warrior see? Does a warrior know how to find enemy, how to sneak up to him, how to strike? Evil spirit is slippery, untouchable like smoke and shadows.
You need help to fight the spirit of falsehood. Not mine, no - you already know the one who can help, you arrived on the same ship! Three hearts beat as one, three minds shine as one. Return to them, ask for help. They will give you the sight!


Please, please tell me - how do these woodland healers always know everything? Other people have to work, study, read books, do research in laboratories, but all they get is more questions and doubts. Meanwhile, some old hag who has never stepped foot outside her wood barely shrugs her feathers and lo and behold - she knows everything about us... Oh well. An evil spirit detector, eh? Of course we can help.


Experience: +310

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