Forbidden Mountain



Question Alk Two-Arrows, Phell Sharp-Sighted and Koati Close-Lipped about the mountain in the north. Report to the Pudgy family at the League Settlement.


There you are. We were afraid that we won't see you again. The Resistance has cut off Tep's supplies. You could say we've stirred up the hornets' nest, he he!
We've combed through all the local swamps and islands and even the sea. The center of the illusion is not here, that's for certain. This leaves only one possible location. Do you see that mountain in the north? That's where we must look for it.
The problem is that a huge gorge separates that mountain from us. There are no bridges, no squawker will go there, and despite all our efforts to talk to the locals, they just cluck their beaks in response. Could be fear, could be that this place is taboo... The point is, we don't know anything about it. Maybe you could try talking to them? They respect you, perhaps they'll tell you something.


Whenever we ask about it, their eyes pop out and they lose the ability to speak. What's up with that mountain?


So they haven't told you anything either? Who is this Ulumi Half-Wing? Perhaps he'll cough up some information?


Experience: +1260

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