Impossible Peace



Talk to Elizaveta Rysina and settle the armistice between the Empire and the League.


So, Rysina herself is here? How interesting... and disturbing. Well, we should have expected that - this allod preserves the secrets of the Empire from the times of Nezeb, so it is a paramount matter. I suppose that the fact that the Council knew nothing about Ferris wounds her pride. Her job is her life. She deserves respect, even though she is one of our greatest enemies.
This is important now, for now we have to sign up an armistice if we want to stand at least a tiny chance to beat our new enemy. This is a wrong time to cherish our pride. Please, go to Rysina and suggest our temporary cooperation. Remember to put it this way exactly! As far as I remember, Rysina has a high opinion of you, so you would be the best candidate to take up this diplomatic mission.


Temporary cooperation, is it? Well, it is acceptable. I would rather say, unavoidable under such circumstances.
We will consider your offer. Since you are Marianne's assigned secretary, you will be the ceasefire testifier. Don't take it amiss, but I will have to discuss the conditions with Marianne in person.


Experience: +4440

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