Needs of the Court: Aphrodisiacs



Brew or purchase from an Alchemist 10 Dragon Fervor aphrodisiacs and deliver them to Irene. You can purchase the alchemical recipe from the Quartermaster of House de Blizare on Irene.


His Majesty tells me I can trust you completely. Great! I've got a lot to do.
You might have noticed that the cream of elven society gathers here. As you known, all elven ladies are beautiful, and all elven gentlemen are irresistible. All Great Balls are courtesy contests. And, of course, they keep count of romantic conquests.
That is why aphrodisiacs are in a very high demand! We're running out! We need more, much more of it. I'll appreciate it if you help me.


Excellent! Oh, the aroma! This is just what we needed! I'll make sure to let His Majesty know about this.


Experience: +50000

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