Bard Trainer



Talk with the bard trainer Yulia Garmoshkina near Yasker's tower.



Yasker's latest order!

"The Imperial army has long taken pride in its capable and well-trained soldiers. And now, with the battle for the Holy Land in full swing, everyone who can carry a weapon in their fist or a spell on their lips should spend all their time developing their combat skills. The best of the Empire's trainers are prepared to meet with you and help you acquire the fundamentals of your craft! Hurry to complete your studies!"

Ugh. Were you paying attention? Do you know what to do? Good.

The bard trainer, Yulia Garmoshkina, is waiting for you near Yasker's Tower. Now there's someone who knows a song or two! Have a talk with her. You'll learn a great deal of the professional secrets of the wandering musician. Onward!


Hey there! I see you're on your way to joining the caterwaulers? That's great! Us bards, we're not as handy with weapons or all that death-dealing magic, but you'd be nowhere without our music. We'll play upbeat songs at celebrations, or during down time we'll accompany the lads on guitars while they sing morale-raising patriotic songs... You should never underestimate the power of art!


Experience: +200

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