News of Victory


Watch the performance of the Red battalion and inform Denis Stepashin about the victory.

  • Reds' performance watched


I'm trembling with anticipation! Now there are no more reasons to panic - the goblins are in their places, the flag has been returned, and the Reds have been training for months. We're going to win, I just know it!

Those Blues shouldn't have relied on dirty tricks and treachery. We have foiled all of their plots and now my boys will show them such a parade! Their performance will be so good, even Yasker himself would be proud to see them. Oh look, it's going to start any moment!

Wait, stay a while and share the triumph with me. Huzzah! Go Reds!


"...It is hard to overestimate Yasker's role in creating..." Sorry, I was practicing a speech. What news have you got?


We won? That's great! A healthy spirit of competition helps our soldiers in their combat training. I have good news for you as well - you're being promoted to corporal. Congratulations!

And what should your response be? Right! "I live to serve the Great Empire!"


Experience: +345

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