Preparing for the Generals



Alert Becas the Crafty at the Gamekeepers' Camp.


Aha, speak of the devil! I was just looking for you.

As is customary before the War Games, our generals are about to head over to the Gamekeepers' Camp and have a good bash. The perks of being an officer are great, aren't they? And it's always a good idea to enjoy yourself before a battle - you might not come back!

Any little party you might be planning will have to wait though. The game wardens need to get ready for the officers' arrival and you're going to help them. So gear up, head south, and report to Becas the Crafty. He's the head guy over there and he'll tell you exactly what you need to do.


What do you want here? I've got my hands full as it is. ...The generals are coming? You don't say! A-friggin-mazing!

Open your eyes you dimwit! They're already here, sitting in the hunting lodge in a nasty mood. They're less than pleased with their reception, so we better act fast or it'll be cesspool duty for a month!


Experience: +345

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