Raiding the Rear



Explore the Dump and find a way to get to the Eastern Outpost.


The Refuge has been discovered, but there's no point in moving it anymore. This guerilla war is coming to an end, and we'll soon have to engage in an open fight against Tep. He has lost his support from the illusory world and his elite assault squad - this gives us a fighting chance. It's too early to attack head on, though. First, we need to free all those who are still kept in his dungeon or sleeping in gilded coffins. That requires time, which we are short of.
We'll try to win a few hours by attacking the infrastructure. Acts of sabotage in the factories will distract Tep from us and weaken his army. We need to find pathways to the enemy's rear. Our scouts report that Tep's troops are using some invisible energy bridges to move from their fortifications to the main part of Irdrich. Go to the Eastern Outpost, locate that bridge and find out how to get across!


There must be a power bridge here. Here's the control console! We can fiddle around with it while the guards are away.


Experience: +320

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