Deserved Punishment



Get a box of wine for Selifan.


I have a problem, {username}... As soon as I came back to life, things kept getting worse. I was loading a crate of wine and dropped it. Everything is in pieces...
The owner will be so angry. "Selifan, you idiot," he'll say. "You botched such a simple task..." He'll have me flogged! It's deserved, of course, but perhaps it can still be fixed?
I have a friend, Zlatan - he sells fried meat near the circus. He got the same crate...
Perhaps you can work something out with him? Get me the crate, and I'll tell you all the rumors...


Well, what did Zlatan say? Did you come to an agreement?


Oh, you are just in time, the master would have discovered the loss soon...
Well, I owe you...
Yes, our master buys up dead souls, but no one knows why he needs them... You'd better ask him yourself.


Experience: +212860

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