At the Bottom


Ask Alyosha about the fate of the awakened.
  • Talk to Alyosha


I'm Alyosha, one of the novices in the Order of Stars. We are on a mission here: we help the ghosts that have yet to come back to life. They are called the Awakened, because Hirkalla roused them from a centuries-long sleep.
Their situation is quite grim, and very few people are willing to help them.
If you are here, {username}, perhaps you can help us?


I'll tell you everything now.


There are scarier things... The madman dwelling under the city... that abducts people. We should question those who might know something about it and help the others in need.
We thought Alice would save us... yes, she was here... But she has her own agenda, and the fates of the awakened are not her concern.


Experience: +106720

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