From the Light to the Shadows



Clear the beacons of darkness and eliminate the distorted Gargoyles.
  • Go on a flight
    (To go on a flight, talk to Ieziphael near the entrance to the Cathedral)
  • Clear the beacons of darkness 4/4


As I've already told you, {username}, the Light is spread throughout the city using special beacons that dispel darkness with bright rays. This gift of faith ignites burning hatred among all the nasty creatures awakened by the dark goddess.
We call them "distorted" - the creatures of darkness attracted by the energy of Sparks. They are dangerous both to the living and the dead.
Now the distorted Gargoyles are attacking our beacons. If they are extinguished, another part of the city will be lost to the darkness. I'll give you a special relic that will destroy the creatures and clear the beacon.
It's a dangerous mission, but I believe you can handle it. One of the Children of Light, Ieziphael, can help you reach the beacons. Talk to him.


Darkness is approaching!


I've heard a lot about you. The hero who saved Sarnaut more than once. And here you are standing in front of me.


Experience: +600300

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