When He Became a Spark



Collect the energy of Sparks, then purchase Sparkboom from Sarang Kido.


What do you think, {username}?
A whole Cathedral of saints, each more righteous than the last... I always thought Negus Tot was a little crazy, but now...
Ah, well. What matters now is that it works.
I suppose you don't know me. And I know you quite well. Why? I had a sister, Sarbaz Sais. Do you understand now?
I'm not going to avenge her - she chose her own path. I'll just tell you this: you can't trust the Light or the Darkness. Trust no one but yourself.
I want you to test something. Will you do it?


How is it going?


Very well! Now this Sparkton Pack is yours. Not the latest model, but I'm sure you'll get your hands on a more powerful replacement in no time.
Use this one until then.


Experience: +300150

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