Light and Stars


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • Level: 105
  • Required level: 104
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Zone:


Hear Hiero out and learn what is going on from Marianne and Negus Tot


So... We are here thanks to you, {username}. That's the only reason I'm forgiving all your faults.
You summoned the Children of Light to this world - and they arrived. They will help us, protect us from the Darkness. But we need to help our saviors save us. So we must act.
As long as we are here, Hirkalla's power is not absolute.
As long as we are here, the Darkness has not won.
As long as we are here, there is hope.
The strength of our faith sustains the shield around the Cathedral. We are the edge of the sword aimed at the dark goddess's black heart. And we shall strike. Talk to Marianne and Negus Tot - here they don't need to worry about being overheard.


We'll talk later.


You heard their words. The great power of Faith is our salvation...
But the Darkness is seeking ways to destroy it, trying to tempt us... You can help us.


Experience: +150075

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