Dark Cunning: Debt



Find Mikhey Tarantiev or Ivan Muhoyarov and collect the debt.


The townspeople turn to us with all kinds of requests, {username}. One of them is this. A certain Andre de Roche wrote us about his friend Ilya Oblomov. He says he was robbed by some swindlers, Mikhey and Ivan who fraudulently received part of the profits from his estate.
You can meet these two scoundrels on Starkov Mountain; they constantly change their location.
Andre wants us to get at least part of the debt from them. Well... I see no reason to refuse him, we don't like scammers and swindlers here! Deal with this. The methods are up to you. Then you will give everything to this elf, he provides certain services to us.


Are you done with the task?


Thank you very much! This is only a small part, of course. We hope to recover the rest in time. Your help in bringing these scoundrels to reason is invaluable.


Experience: +180000

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