On Her Majesty's Secret Service


Complete all of Hirkalla's quests.


But it's you. You are the source of my problems, {username}. Who killed Tep again, huh? Destroyed one of the Great Mages - and I need them all. Without them, I can't revive everyone and put your world back together. Where will I get Great Mages now? They are unique...
Well, I'm not going to look for Tep's Spark now - who knows where it flew off to this time.
I need someone else... I think I know who... I remember hearing that you managed to revive Nezeb himself in the Heart of the World. Nezeb is clever enough that he can replace Tep in my plans.


It's done, it only took twenty minutes...


Excellent, {username}!
I will order my servants to cool their enthusiasm, your ghosts won't have to worry about being devoured. If someone doesn't listen to me, feel free to tear off their head - I won't object.
I'll keep Skrakan and Nezeb with me for now, they'll be useful...
Actually, it's time to deal with the Light - they've gained too much power recently.


Experience: +327845

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