The Mage's Niece



Find Amanda de Desirae in Clement's Tower.


Listen, I'm going to go on ahead of you. There are still lots of people outside that need to be brought in. I'm also worried about my brothers. You know, we Gibberlings are sore to be alone.
You should go down and make your way through to the floor below us. Clement's niece Amanda should be in there. The two of us had been fighting off the traitors together, but she came up with some sort of plan that involved magic. Please find her and make sure she's safe, okay?
I'll be off then. Good luck!


I heard about my uncle's death... My uncle was not only my mentor but a great man who had lived through the Great Cataclysm.

It's unforgivable that he fell by the hand of Kanian conspirators! Unfortunately, now is not the time for remorse - we must activate the portal and evacuate this tower.


Experience: +120

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