Termilla the Hungry



Kill Termilla and report to Shrinka the Nimble.


Well, we need to find a proper application for your talents. It's time to stop thrashing the Blues and start fighting shoulder to shoulder, just like you'll have to do in the future. In the Holy Land every Imperial soldier is your best friend!

Right now I need a recruit for an important, honorable, and potentially fatal task. I hope you'll be pleased to hear that you have been volunteered!

Migrating termites have seized part of the Old Barracks. They're located just north of here, up on that hill. Most of the termites have been ravaging the countryside, killing everything in sight so they can bring food to their queen.

My soldiers have named her Termilla, and I suspect that she's building up her strength to lay a whole bunch of eggs. It'll probably happen soon because she's gotten quite huge! That means your task is to kill her before that happens. Send this Termilla to hell!


What's the story with Termilla? Is she really as huge as they say? And did you manage to finish her off?


So, I didn't make a mistake by sending you to deal with the termite queen! I think we need to summon the guys from the propaganda unit. They should write up your story and let the entire Empire know that no beast is too great for our army to silence.


Experience: +840

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