Puppet Master



Defeat Negus Jeeg and report to Herbert de Vevre.


Well... Now I can see all the sections of the complex. The damned maniac, who has created our clones, knows that, and sooner or later he will try to take over the control. We can't waste time! We need to kill him now!
I will show you the way... Hurry up, before he strikes first! Be careful - you don't know what to expect from him. There is nothing more dangerous than a mad fanatic!


He may play one of his tricky games on you. Be careful.


Dead? Oh... I know, one shouldn't rejoice on someone's death, but still I'm glad you put an end to his wretched existence.
We have already started studying the laboratory archives. The crazy man's name was Negus Jeeg - he used to be the head of the complex. He took the post after his predecessor died in a "production accident" in the Bestiary.
I feel like we are missing something very important in this story...

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