New Chapter



Meet with Aidenus in Novograd.


All's well that ends well. I am with Svetlana and Tep's plans have been crippled. Soon I will rejoin my house and I won't be alone - I'll have my wife with me!

And the House of Valir will not wither away! Old Kania blood will blend with the old blood of Elves, and we will enter the future together, renewed. A future with no enmity between the League races. Amen!

I ask you to return to Novograd and meet with Aidenus. The Great Mage helped me investigate the affair with of House de Doucer and he will certainly want to learn how this story has ended. Tell him everything.

Your courage and bravery will serve the League many more times. There's so much out there to do!


So, another chapter in the League's history book is complete. And you helped write it, but it's a shame the ink is so bloody...

O tempora, o mores!

No, I don't blame you. What was done was done right. It's just my old age showing through...

Please accept this reward. You've earned it, fair and square!


Experience: +2310

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