Routine of the Expedition



Complete tasks from the expedition members until the way is clear. Then talk to Herbert de Vevre.


The further we move into the depths of Ferris, the more mysteries and deadly dangers we face. You can't stand aside when the lives of the Surveyors depend on you!
After this area is explored, you should ask Herbert how long the expedition is going to last in his opinion, and are there any chances that it will end successfully.


Ferris turned out to be much more unrelenting than I though at the beginning. Well, any experience is valuable, isn't it?


On behalf of the whole expedition I would like to thank you for all that you've done for us. I've been actually counting how many times you'd had to risk your life to protect us. And that's way too many. I can't imagine how much will, strength, and even luck it has took you!
I'm afraid I can't tell for sure how long this expedition is going to last. Maybe we're halfway there. Maybe we're just starting to see the light in the end of the tunnel. Or maybe we're still fumbling in the dark. Well, you know it all for yourself! And probably, you even know more than I do. But let's not waste our time on futile guessing. We should move on while we can. That's what scientists do!


Experience: +16425

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