Nothing is Immortal



Reach Zimina's clone!
  • Last obstacle overcome
  • Next barrier reached
  • Clone of Zimina listened to


So, all systems are under my control now. What's left of them, anyway. We must have overloaded these mechanisms a little bit... Well, that's for the best.
We must be really close since my clone is trying to stop us so desperately.
She knows that we are breathing down her neck, so we need to be ready for the worst. Anything can wait for us down there. Honestly, I don't know what we can expect of myself, maddened and cornered.
Let's go!


I have a bad feeling...


I must admit it was one of the most impressive rescue operations in my life. And believe me, I have something to compare with. Where, in the name of Astral, did Elena get this gun? Alright, I will let women keep their little secrets. Why are you looking at me like that?
Ah, of course. I was finally disclosed. Believe it or not, but I was not going to keep it secret from you. Though I was expecting to tell you the truth under slightly different circumstances...
Who else knows? Zayan, of course. Maybe Murk suspects something, that wouldn't surprise me at all. Elena? Things are complicated with her... with us. She will tell you if she wants.
I wish I had more time to speak with you and explain everything. But I am afraid I don't.


Experience: +4070

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