Milk for the Wounded



Use the Lasso to hobble Xadaganian Mare and use the Empty Pitcher to milk it. Bring 10 Pitchers of Milk to Evdokia Laskina.

  • (To get some milk, first you need to hobble the mare with a Lasso and then milk it using an Empty Pitcher.)


Hi there! Well are just going to stand there, or are you going to help me out? We are in urgent need of milk right now. The best kind is straight from the wild mares that live around here - it's very good for the wounded. The milk is full of nutrition and not too hard to eat.

Go into the fields and milk about ten of them. But first you have to catch and hobble them. Here's a lasso - just throw it on a mare and it'll hold her until you're done. Don't worry, it's a lot easier than it sounds.

Oh, and one other thing. I hope you're able to tell a mare from a Steed. Don't make a mistake or instead of mare's milk, you'll get something else.


Are you having difficulties milking some horses? I thought soldiers could handle anything!


Thanks, this is just in time for our patients' next meal! What can be better for a soldier than a cup of fresh mare's milk with a little bromine mixed in? Heehee!


Experience: +920

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