

  • Faction: Empire


The League and the Empire have been around for more than two hundred years. These are alliances of peoples brought together by common interests. But will they survive the coming upheaval? Will the Gibberlings and Elves remain in the League? While the Orcs and rebellious Zem stay in the Empire? Or will the upcoming conflicts lead to the creation of new alliances?

Stage 1

You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Fury the Merciless on Suslanger (Level 94). Once you are done with your task, speak with Eladia on Suslanger to complete it (Level 94).
Skulnar the Fierce became the Great Mage, and it led to the revolt of the Orcs. Now the shamans of our people, and the warriors who joined them, have sworn allegiance to the new leader, the Legendary Orc. They believe Skulnar is the one.

Stage 2

You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Eladia on Suslanger (Level 95). Once you are done with your task, speak with Alice on Suslanger to complete it (Level 95).
Perhaps the conflict of League and Empire is history? New generations are learning to live in peace, cooperate, resolve arguments with words. At least this is the case in the Dune pioneer camp where all races of Sarnaut meet. Will this friendship become an eternal alliance?

Stage 3

You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Gray Prince on Suslanger (Level 96). Once you are done with your task, speak with Eladia on Suslanger to complete it (Level 96).
Gray Prince wants to bring Nezeb back to life. Is it possible? Skulnar managed to cheat death, but can the Great Mage of Xadagan repeat this? Will the return of the first Emperor lead to a conflict with Yasker? And what is Nezeb going to do in a new world?

Stage 4

You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Catherina in Eden at level 100. Once you are done with your task, speak with her again to complete it.
The journey to Eden caused a new rift. Choosing between the Expedition from Sarnaut or the Children, the natives of Eden, will have a decisive impact on the future of many worlds. Each side has its own truth, and now everyone in Eden needs to decide which side they are on. This threatens to break the precious truce achieved at a high cost. Perhaps you are witnessing the beginnings of a conflict that will last for centuries, just like the war between Kania and Xadagan back in the day.

Stage 5

You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Froddy the Fidget on Isa at level 105. Once you are done with your task, speak with Yasker in Yasker’s Tower.
The discovery of Isa, the original homeland of the Gibberlings, raises new questions about the future of this people. Will they stay in the League they once joined in search of their old home, or will they choose neutrality? The appearance of the first Skulnar, the legendary leader of the Horde, also raises many questions.

Stage 6

You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Hirkalla on Jigran at level 110. Once you are done with your task, speak with her again to complete it.
You've managed to accomplish the impossible - bring Nezeb and Skrakan back to life! The fate of the entire Sarnaut will change forever. Where will this all lead? How will the Empire react to the return of its Emperor? How will the League's policies change with the return of the oldest of the Great Human Mages? Who knows...

Stage 7

This mystery has not been uncovered yet...
This mystery has not been uncovered yet...

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