The Curse of the June


  • Faction: Empire


There are a lot of mysteries in the history of our world. They are constantly studied by the Historians - a group of scholars consisting of representatives from all the intelligent races in Sarnaut. I'm sure it's worth helping them in their studies. You might discover something interesting.

Stage 1

You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Yaver Amenia in Eljune (Level 30). Once you are done with your task, speak with Antoinette de Grandeur in Eljune to complete it (Level 31).
With the help of the Historians, an investigation of the June ruins has revealed that the Tka-Rik Revelation is true - the Curse of the June was an invasion by Astral demons.

Stage 2

You can start this stage by speaking with Bertille de Pluie on Coba Plateau at level 34. Speak with Elizaveta Rysina in Yasker's Tower to complete it at level 35.
By researching the Zem ruins in Coba Plateau, the connection between the Curse of the June and the Astral demons was confirmed. Additionally, it was revealed that Tep has devoted a lot of time to studying the magic of the June. It's possible that he's even trying to unravel the secret behind this Curse.

Stage 3

You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Luc de Blizare in Avilon (Level 36). Once you are done with your task, speak with this NPC again to complete it (Level 37).
Many secrets were revealed by communicating with some ancient golems. Strange creatures have been discovered that were unknown to even to the ancients, and they foretold the death of the world from the Curse of the June. What could this mean?

Stage 4

You can start this stage by speaking with Cyrano de Blizare on Gipat at level 40. It leads to June Temple. Speak with Zayan de Desirae on Avilon to complete it.
It's another mystery! Wormface Lords hidden in the ruins of Gipat make it clear that they… are Junes! Is this a lie, or... or is the whole history of Sarnaut down the drain?

Stage 5

You can start this stage by speaking with Yasker on Kirah at level 44. Speak with Yasker in Yasker's Tower to complete it.
The new mystery shed a light on the Great Dragons. Powers enclosed in their hearts can do wonders even after their death. Is this the reason why the ancient Junes used to hunt the Dragons?

Stage 6

You can start this stage by speaking with Sarbaz Samedi on the Isle of Revelation at level 45. Speak with this character again to complete it.
Scientific research has proven that Draconids and Wormfaces are different from other creatures of Sarnaut. They were created by alien powers. We can only guess what power created us...

Stage 7

You can start this stage of the World Mystery at Astralophone on Twilight Isle (Level 46). Once you are done with your task, go to Tka-Rik's Cave to complete it (Level 46).
Events on the Twilight Island and in the Tka-Rik's Cave made it clear that the Wormfaces are former June people! Nihaz transformed them to protect their nation from Sarn's curse. Now the Wormfaces are playing against both gods, and their leader Ath-Zak, The Last June, is a great hero of the past resurrected in a new body.

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