- Faction: League
What is fate? Does it exist? Is our life predestined? Perhaps everything that exists is just a play of chance without meaning and purpose? Do we control it or is it predetermined by something or someone? Does fate have power over gods? Is it possible to change your destiny? Perhaps the very future of Sarnaut, and many other worlds, depends on answers to these questions.
Stage 1
You can start this stage by speaking with Styr Ruff on Isa at level 104. Once you are done with your task, speak with Unn on Isa.
Using your Weaver powers, you managed to enter the Hall of Fates where you stopped the spirit of an ancient Orc chieftain from binding the fate of the Gibberlings to his own. You also encountered the Fate of the All-Mother and managed to change it. What you learned on Isa raises the following questions: is Fate some kind of force that surpasses even demiurges? And what can oppose Fate?
Stage 2
You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Aidenus in Novograd at level 105. Once you are done with your task, speak with Marianne de Ardeur in Novograd.
You have seen something extraordinary - a mysterious creature calling itself "the Scissors". If Unn was not mistaken, then they are your eternal enemy, because you are the Weaver who binds the Threads. But what do the Scissors want? Did your intervention in the fate of the Gibberlings summon them?
Stage 3
You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Alice in Dar Ulgorn at level 107. Once you are done with your task, speak with her again to complete it.
Looks like the Scissors have made their move. According to Alice, the fates of some ancient inhabitants of Sarnaut tragically changed: instead of becoming key figures in history, they are "odd people out" - people without destinies. What kind of force can steal someone's destiny?
Stage 4
You can start this stage by speaking with Iaver Bazar in Dar Ulgorn on Jigran at level 109. Once you are done with your task, speak with him again to complete it.
A Zem scientist has learned the following: the Spark is a multi-component entity contained in the concept of "soul". The Spark contains a certain "primordial flame" which makes it the basis of life. The flame is surrounded by the Threads of Fate. Invisible and ethereal, they extend from each Spark out into space. The Scissors cut the Threads of certain people, changing their place in the Pattern.
Stage 5
You can start this stage by speaking with Alyosha in Dar Ulgorn on Jigran at level 109. Once you are done with your task, speak with him again to complete it.
You managed to find out who the Scissors are - it's Aisa, a mysterious entity of unknown origin. Now she is in Sarnaut... The fates of the people she came across were changed, pulled out of the general pattern. She can change a person's destiny. With the help of Alyosha, a monk from the Order of Stars, you trapped Aisa and left him to deal with her.
Stage 6
This World Mystery has not been discovered yet...
This World Mystery has not been discovered yet...